Comprehensive Stock-Pile list of 101 x 2 Items to Store for Emergency Preparedness

October 10, 2024 | Getting Prepared | No Comments

Perhaps you’ve looked through lists of non-food items to stockpile for times of need. You may have even stored a ton of things like toilet paper, salt, vinegar, warm clothing and such. Now is a good time to be stock-piling, before the economy really drops!

If you’d like to expand your mind to items you may not have even considered, here is a list below that is quite a comprehensive array of things that you may be glad you stored. Many of these items I haven’t seen on other lists. I found these on the Survivalist Blog. This is a great resource when planning for a future where we may not have all the conveniences we enjoy right now.

101 UNCOMMON item to store for an emergency preparedness or when the grid goes down:

  1. Shoe and boot laces – yes, you could use leather laces but why not stock some?
  2. Fence posts – entirely too handy not just for fencing but for gardening
  3. Barbed wire and chicken wire fencing
  4. Cloth diapers – handy for so many things other than the obvious
  5. Manual egg/batter beaters – whisks work, but the old-fashioned egg beater is hard to beat
  6. Hoyle’s rule book for card games – lots and lots of entertainment in one simple book
  7. Dice and dice games rulebooks – as above
  8. Goggles – safety ones
  9. A way to figure calendars into the future
  10. Solar powered fencing – even if you don’t have livestock now, you may have it later. And it can be used as a “first line of defense” or used for parts for other uses
  11. Canes – there will come a time when they are needed. Adjustable ones are better
  12. Plant pots for starting seedlings. You’ll want various sizes
  13. Metal rulers – because they last much longer. Different sizes
  14. Rain gauge – for keeping track of rainfall
  15. Barometer and something that tells you how to use it to get an idea of the weather
  16. Candle molds and a double boiler for melting wax
  17. Diaper Safety pins – handy not only for the obvious but for securing lots of things
  18. Kits to fix garden hoses – because you can stock 10 hoses but what happens when they break?
  19. Cheesecloth – useful not just for cheese for all sorts of canning needs
  20. Pea shellers, corn huskers, apple peelers and corers, etc. – all those “yankee tools” that our grandparents had but we no longer use.
  21. Mimeograph machine and supplies – IF you can find one.
  22. Chalk and blackboards. Blackboard paint isn’t a bad idea either
  23. Goo remover aka Goo Gone
  24. Eyeglass repair kits – they make handy little ones
  25. Canoe – if you live near water or an inflatable raft if you’re not that close. If you get a canoe/raft, consider getting the big Duluth packs that outfitters use – they are waterproof (sorta) and good for packing
  26. Oars/paddles – even if you don’t have one of the above, they can be handy for improvised rafts
  27. Tire chains – if you live where it snows…
  28. Swim goggles – not so much for recreational swimming, but for any time you might need to go into the water for whatever reason
  29. Life preservers – if you need them, you need them
  30. Reflectors and reflective tape
  31. Pregnancy Test kits – You might wanna know if you are…
  32. Neck, elbow, knee and ankle braces
  33. Canning kit with funnel and jar lifter – cannot have enough of these, in metal
  34. Pack saddle for horses/mules
  35. Liquid Smoke flavoring – many folks swear by this stuff for nice flavoring
  36. Powdered lemon and lime juice – an excellent way to store Vitamin C
  37. Songbooks and simple instruments – for entertainment
  38. Powdered buttermilk – useful for cooking
  39. ClearJel canning starch – for canning pie fillings
  40. Pet veterinary supplies – basic wound care is a must
  41. Bottle corks of various sizes – for when you lose that bottle lid
  42. Room thermometers
  43. Bags/cloth to use to bag flowers for seed pollination
  44. Clothesline and wooden clothespins
  45. Clothes baskets that are actual baskets – they last longer and can be repaired
  46. An inflatable kiddie pool – tons of uses
  47. Lighter flints for refillable lighters
  48. Fountain pens, inkwells and powdered ink – those Bic pens you stockpiled will run out eventually
  49. UV window film – to help keep houses cool
  50. Mailboxes – metal for all sorts of caches and other storage uses
  51. Small paintbrushes – handy for many many things besides just painting
  52. Pet carriers – one for each pet
  53. Canvas shopping bags – handy for so many things
  54. Posthole digger, manual
  55. Stovetop waffle makers
  56. Wind vane
  57. Spare glass jars of various sizes
  58. Mop wringer
  59. Manual juicers – glass or metal will hold up better than the cheap plastic ones
  60. Measuring cups – metal with engraved markings. Painted on markings will disappear with time
  61. Measuring spoons – metal with engraved markings.
  62. Jar openers – the type that lets you get leverage on the lid
  63. Stovetop popcorn popper – because if the grid goes down, so does the microwave popcorn you have in the pantry
  64. Leather punch and knife
  65. Disposable ear plugs – a must
  66. Mechanical pencils and spare pencil lead – see above about pens. Pencil lead takes up a lot less space than traditional pencils
  67. Folding cloth camping chairs – entirely too useful and easy to store
  68. Microscope and slides
  69. Old time photographic equipment – could be a new business!
  70. Manual typewriter
  71. Paper cutter
  72. Manual hair clippers – human and animal
  73. Steam juicers – stovetop variety
  74. Slingshot and ammo
  75. Hard hats
  76. Sewing measuring tapes
  77. Velcro
  78. Sewing patterns – better to have them now … especially easy to sew shirts/pants/coats/outerwear
  79. Window insulation foam – for keeping warm
  80. Disguised safes – the “fake book” kinds
  81. Nicorette gum and quit smoking supplies
  82. Tomato powder – another good way to store Vitamin C
  83. Citric acid, pectin, alum and Pickle Crisp for canning
  84. Straight or safety razor for male shaving
  85. Rennet tablets for cheese-making
  86. Veterinary wrap – useful for not just animals, but people too
  87. Autoclave or something that functions like one
  88. Dental mirror
  89. Walkers, toilet risers, and bedpans – think elderly
  90. Carry yokes – the old fashioned water carrying yokes
  91. CLR cleaner – or other lime/deposit/etc remover
  92. Locks – combination, keyed, and other types as needed
  93. Moth balls, cedar balls, and smelling salts
  94. China markers/grease pencils – these are great for marking containers with what is in them
  95. Safety vests
  96. Fly paper – stores decently and is really handy. Researching a way to make this stuff is also probably a good idea
  97. Closed-Foam camping pads for under sleeping bags
  98. Winter scarves, gloves, mittens – it’s easy to forget these when it’s not winter
  99. Wind up clocks – how else are you going to keep time if the grid goes down?
  100. Tow straps for vehicles
  101. Black and brown paint – useful for camouflage, hiding things, and making makeshift showers plus a myriad of other uses.

101 things that you probably already own – but may want a more durable version for use in an emergency or when the grid goes down.

  1. Hot pads – Replace any worn out or not very thick ones. Mitts are probably best. Silicone can handle very high temps.
  2. Matches – You can’t have too many!
  3. Playing cards
  4. Scissors – heavy duty ones that can be re-sharpened would be best
  5. Sewing needles, thread, thimbles, and pins – never ever have too many of these
  6. Pet leashes – get good quality leather leashes and collars – easier to repair
  7. Pet bowls – metal ones will last longer
  8. Shoe laces
  9. Garden hoses – good quality ones are best
  10. Garden trowels and hand shovels – again – high quality metal ones are best
  11. Hand ax
  12. Ratchet set
  13. Allen wrench
  14. Spools of twine
  15. Cargo straps
  16. Duct tape – obviously you can’t have too much of this!
  17. Hammer – is yours in good shape?
  18. Screwdrivers – did you buy a cheap set or good quality drop forged steel ones?
  19. Flyswatters
  20. Bottle openers – thick metal is best
  21. Manual can openers – don’t go cheap with this
  22. Dish clothes – heavy cloth that will last is best
  23. Corkscrew
  24. Brooms – are yours good quality straw or cheap plastic? Are they in good shape?
  25. Straws – they make glass reusable straws, these would not be bad to have on hand
  26. Ice chests
  27. Kitchen timers
  28. Rubber bands
  29. Safety pins
  30. Magnifying glasses
  31. Mortar and pestle
  32. Staples and stapler
  33. Life preservers
  34. Garden hose nozzles – brass will last longest
  35. Fingernail brushes – sanitation will be important
  36. Key chains
  37. Hair rubber bands and barrettes
  38. Erasers
  39. Garden sprayer
  40. Outdoor thermometers
  41. Folding chairs
  42. Hangers – wire will last a lot longer than plastic. Wood is also good
  43. Ice scrapers
  44. Wall hooks
  45. Windshield wiper blades
  46. Aluminum foil
  47. Safety pins – heavy duty
  48. Eyedroppers of various sizes
  49. Bobby pins
  50. Rulers – metal will last longest
  51. Three-in-one oil
  52. Cargo straps
  53. Nails, screws, bolts – making these by hand is a royal pain in the posterior.
  54. Wheelbarrow – get a good quality metal or heavy duty plastic one
  55. Twist ties – those bread/package ties will be useful – store them, don’t throw them away
  56. Plastic bags – bread bags, ziplock, etc.
  57. Maps – road atlases, road maps, etc.
  58. Cotton balls – make excellent tinder as well as a thousand and one uses around the house
  59. Note pads
  60. Indelible markers (i.e. Sharpies)
  61. Mechanical pencils
  62. Dental floss
  63. Pitchers – metal preferred
  64. Goo remover (Goo-be-gone)
  65. Scouring pads
  66. Flower pots – various sizes
  67. Vegetable peeler
  68. Newspaper, old – keeping at least a couple of weeks old ones won’t ever hurt
  69. Insect repellent
  70. Sunscreen and aloe gel for when the sunscreen doesn’t work
  71. Spare buttons
  72. Nail clippers – both human and pet
  73. Candle holders – metal or glass ones will last longer than plastic
  74. Baby supplies – bottles, blankets, clothes, etc. If you’re like me, you still have baby stuff tucked away in your storerooms – even if you don’t have a baby after a disaster,  you can always trade the stuff…..
  75. Bicycles – are yours all set for hard use?
  76. Metal garbage cans
  77. Binoculars
  78. Cloth napkins
  79. Paper clips – not only useful for their normal function, but handy for other uses
  80. Cold and hot packs – those lovely rubber bags
  81. Lip balm
  82. Utility knives – the kind that take the disposable blades or razor blades
  83. Extension cords – indoor and outdoor
  84. Air mattresses or cots – chances are good you’re going to have guests – where are they going to sleep?
  85. Bay leaves – not just a spice, but useful to repel insects
  86. Cellophane tape dispenser and tape – get a heavy duty one
  87. Paper bags and manila envelopes – handy for storing things
  88. Rubber boots
  89. Knitting needles – learn to knit! It’s a great survival skill
  90. Toothpicks
  91. Kitchen utensils – you want metal ones or wooden, not plastic.
  92. Barometer
  93. Duffel bags – waterproof and with shoulder straps are best
  94. Spare pill bottles – keep old prescription bottles
  95. Tabasco sauce – along with other such condiments
  96. All those takeout condiment packets – make great barter items as well as being generally handy
  97. Bag clips –
  98. Solar calculators
  99. Board games
  100. Dust pans – metal will last longer
  101. Carmex (or other medicated lip balm)
  102. Zip ties
  103. Skis & snowshoes w/ poles

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