March 2, 2024 | Intellectual Preparedness, Spiritual Preparedness, Temporal Preparedness | No Comments

For those paying attention, it’s not hard to see that America is on its way very quickly to a paradigm shift.
We are facing a collapse of exceptional scale. As noted by International Man Jeff Thomas of Casey Research, it’s not that difficult of an exercise to predict what’s coming next.
Primary Events of an Economic Collapse:
1. A major collapse in stock markets
2. Probable sudden deflation, mainly of assets.
3. Followed by dramatic inflation, or possibly hyperinflation.
4. Followed by a crash of many dominant currencies.
Secondary Events are less certain but still very likely:
5. Increased unemployment.
6. Currency controls.
7. Protective tariffs.
8. Severe depression.
Some unprecedented events (unlawful actions taken by governments or others), that may happen:
9. Travel Restrictions. Starting with foreign travel and on to highway checkpoints.
10. Confiscation of wealth.
11. Food Shortages.
12. Squatters Rebellions.
13. Riots.
14. Martial Law.
While looking at the list above may bring a feeling of fear and dread, knowing what is to come and preparing for it can help us weather the storm and even keep positive even when others may lose faith.
Here are some ways you can prepare NOW for when the American Economy Collapses.
Food will become one of the most valuable commodities in a collapse. Store shelves will be bare quickly. Having a minimum of 3 months food storage that is easily rotated is essential. Working from your 3 month supply to a year or more of long term food storage is preferable.
Get some water stored in your home now. Aim for at least 1 month of drinking water for your household and 3 months if possible. Also, have some sort of water purification system; whether tablets of a filtration system, have some way to purify an external water source in case of contamination.
First and foremost, don’t go into debt; and work to get out of what debt you are in now. Second, lay aside some money to build up a reserve. Try to have a 1 month amount of money needed for all expenses saved and then try to reach 3 months of savings. Consider keeping this in a safe in your home, outside of a bank. Third, consider investing in Silver or Gold coins, if you have the means.
4. Consider Your SHELTER and CLOTHING
If there is a chance you could lose your home in a collapse, plan for where you could go to live. Maybe a family-member’s home, or even in a camper or tent. If you live in a cold climate, prepare now by gathering warm clothing. Don’t throw out clothes, even when if they don’t fit; these could be used to help others or for bartering. Save all the clothes, boots, shoes, hats, coats, etc. that you can. Do you have a plan for how to heat your home if you have no power? Obtain a portable heater with fuel, wood for a fireplace, or a generator that could keep your family warm. Make sure you store a lot of matches and lighters for fire starting (for warmth and/or cooking). It’s also a good idea to stock up on things like: blankets, quilts, long-johns, wool socks, gloves, and warm sleeping bags.
5. Acquire Lots of Medication and First Aid Supplies
It might not be as possible to go to a doctor or hospital in a severe economic collapse, especially for non-life threatening injuries. Stock up on bandages, sterile gloves, gauze, band-aids, anti-bacterial ointment, non-digital thermometer, pain relievers, snake bite kit, suture kit, essential oils, colloidal silver, and other items you may use or need. Check through the medications you use. Sometimes you can find similar medications for pets in a pet store that do not require a prescription that you can get to have on hand. Have things on hand in case of a pandemic where you might have to keep your home quarantined; like plastic sheeting, duct table, face masks, bleach (for cleaning), hazmat suit, etc.
6. Obtain Flashlights or Lanterns / Other Tools
Having some flashlights with extra batteries will come in very handy if the power goes out or if you are in a camping situation. Or have a lantern with extra wicks and oil. Candles are good to keep on hand as well. Tools like a shovel, ax, and hammer may prove to be invaluable for using or even bartering with. You may need a shovel to make a temporary latrine, or an ax to cut up firewood, a hammer to build or board up a room, etc.
7. Get a Portable AM / FM Radio
Get a hand crank radio to help stay up on what is going on, as other means of staying informed may not be accessible.
8. Look into COMMUNICATION Equipment
It’s possible that your cell phone may not work in a crisis and the internet may not always be available. Having another means of communicating with your loved ones would be smart. Invest in short or long-range two way radios (with lots of extra batteries), or get your Ham Radio license and have a CB radio.
9. Store Extra GASOLINE
If you live out in an area where you have to drive a ways to get anywhere, it would be smart to invest in a few gasoline containers to store some gas. In a collapse, inflation will skyrocket, and having some gasoline already on hand for trips to get your family or supplies could be a lifesaver.
10. Gather Together Your Important Documents.
Do you have an emergency binder? Be sure and have all your important documents together, maybe even in a binder for quick access. Keep things like like birth certificates, social security cards, marriage certificates, insurance documents, mortgage documents, list of all your financial accounts and contact numbers, and so forth handy so you can “prove” you live in your home, or that your children are really yours or whatever comes up – you will have all your documents together. Consider storing these documents in a fire-proof safe.
11. Collect Your Bartering Goods
Store items now that may be great for bartering when money loses its value. Many people store cigarettes, alcohol and ammunition mainly for this purpose. But things like extra food, water purifiers, tools, flashlights, batteries, blankets, clothing, lighters, medical supplies, etc. may come in quite handy if you need to trade for goods or services. Having a lot of smaller items to trade (like lighters, flashlights, etc.) may be better than having larger items (like a generator). It might be that having a larger item might make you more of a target for theft, if known by others (or those you’re trying to trade with).
12. Consider Self-Defense Armaments
People can be driven to all kinds of rioting and violence when they are in survival mode looking for food and water. While you may want to share if someone was in need; you also may want to have a means to defend your family if a loved one’s life was in danger. Acquiring some self-defense weapons and learning how to use them if needed may help save your family in such a time. Guns and bows can also be used for hunting game for food.
Above all, it’s important to not live in fear. While an economic collapse in our country is looming, it doesn’t mean that all will be bad. We know that all things are in the Lord’s hands, and that even hard times can work for our good. He is in control. Overall, we need to do our part to be obedient and be ready and then Trust in God. Working to be prepared can give us the means to uplift and help others in hard times.
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America's economy, economic collapse, financial collapse, financially prepared, how to prepare for economic collapse, temporally prepared