Many preppers are busily storing up for a future time when resources will be scarce, but is that enough to get us through long periods of hardship? Church leaders tell us there is something else equally important to your supplies – spiritual preparedness.
(This is a guest post by Shelly McDermott, an amazing woman with incredible preparation insight)
| Intellectual Preparedness, Medical - First Aid, Temporal Preparedness | 4 Comments
If there comes a times when we are not able to get to or access a hospital or doctor; we will have to rely on our own know-how and medications for health issues. There are many things we can have on hand for times like this and even times like now. It’s a good idea to try and become more reliant on ourselves than institutions for our health care as much as possible. Learning what to store and how to use it is part of being Intellectually Prepared.
| Intellectual Preparedness, Physical Preparedness | No Comments
Being physically prepared and ready for whatever trials are in the future requires us to be mindful of our health, which can be challenging with so many toxins in foods and products we use. The top cause of aging are toxins. They build up in our bodies provoking cell damage that produces premature aging. We get toxins in our body from stress, pollution and having a poor diet. To get rid of toxins, detoxifying our body with antioxidants is the best way. That is very easy to do if you drink antioxidant-rich alkaline water.
| Getting Prepared, Intellectual Preparedness | No Comments
Preparing for disasters, economic collapse, pandemic or what have you, may earn you the term of being a “Prepper”. Preppers are often viewed as those extreme folks who see doom and gloom everywhere. They invest in bunkers, load up on guns and ammo, talk about conspiracy theories, and the list goes on. Preppers are also associated with survival and being able to subsist on their own, maybe even moving out away from everyone and setting up their survival homestead.
| Physical Preparedness | No Comments
| Getting Prepared, Temporal Preparedness | No Comments
It’s our life’s pursuit: Happiness.
In fact, if you were to search books related to happiness on Amazon, you would find over 75,000 results. Author and psychologist, Dr. Martin Seligman has explained that the number one contributor to happiness is the quality of a person’s social circle.
| Getting Prepared | No Comments